3D lab UMC Groningen
Hanzeplein 1
9713GZ Groningen
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3D lab UMC Groningen


In our 3D lab we aim to apply 3D technology into patient care. By combining high-tech health expertise and latest technological developments we strive for better, more precise and personalized care. We are experts in 3D technology in research and patient care performing research from the 'virtual bench to bed'.

Our 3D lab helps you to develop your idea into 3D reality. We have experience in developing diagnostic 3D visualization, designing implants or other types medical devices for procedures or individual patients. We particularly have a lot of experience in post treatment outcome measures in 3D. See our website for the in-house developed implants such as fracture plates, guided surgery tools, temporomandibular joint prothsesis etc. 

Within 5 years after the start over 1200 patients treated at UMCG benefited from 3D visualization or virtual surgical planning from the 3D lab. Another 200 patients treated at hospitals in the northern three provinces benefited from our expertise via the northern 3D clinical network, initiated in 2018.

The 3D lab is a creative environment where students are actively involved in projects within the lab. We continuously harbor students from the Biomedical, Technical and Computer Sciences from the RUG or TU Twente. The 3D lab is accessible for personal and registered students enrolled in an active internship only.

Our research and clinical implementation is focussed on ; 

-3D virtual planning in surgery​

-Fast track development and production (days) of personalized implants

-Artificial Intelligence and Augmented reality

Hanzeplein 1
9713GZ Groningen
Telefoonnummer vast: 
m.j.h.witjes [at] umcg.nl
Foundation year: 
Meer over 3d printing