
3D Orbit

Wij zijn gevestigd op het MAAK terrein in Haarlem en leveren op een kosten efficiënte manier 3D Print Services. Van kleinschalige FDM en SLA prints tot grootschalige FDM prints van maximaal 1 kubieke meter. Wij helpen u met de juiste combinatie van materialen en printers om uw product in de meest optimale omstandigheden te realiseren.

PlugnMake FabLab Delft

PlugnMake FabLab Delft is a social fabrication laboratory where you can develop your ideas into actual products. Here you will get access to digital fabrication tools such as 3D printers, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, 3D scanner, beyond workbenches equipped with tools and hardware.  Whether you’re a maker, student, designer, or entrepreneur, at PlugnMake FabLab Delft you'll be provided  with workshops and support to undertake the learning curve of (personal) digital fabrication and rapid prototyping. 


Printing large objects out of 100% recycled plastics.


Plastic waste causes huge problems around the world, for both men and nature. By using waste plastic as building material for our 3D printers vanPlestik is enabling the local reuse of plastic waste.

We transform plastic waste into unique, high-quality and affordable plastic objects like furniture or custom made parts for the local industry.

We have built a 3D printer, that is specially designed to work with recycled plastic as an input.


10XL is een 3D-printservice gericht op het maken van groot formaat (6.000x2.000x1.500 mm) industriële (recyclebare) kunststof 3D-prints. 10XL maakt hierbij gebruik van een hybride productie methode: 3D-printen en frezen.

Parts on Demand

Parts on Demand is the 3D print service of the Vesco Group. With our roots in product development, production and inventing, we are on the frontline of technological development every day. Producing prototypes and small series is part of that and we see an even bigger challenge in optimising production and products. 3D printing offers design opportunities we never believed possible. And, let’s be honest. If you haven’t informed yourself you probably still don’t believe them possible.

3D Printing Strategy

For the last 5 years every time a customer and I had a conversation, we came back to the same underlying problem…and that’s education in the 3D printing space. Information that isn’t skewed by someone’s need to sell machines. Accurate, practical and fairly priced know-how on when and how to use this technology and the processes surrounding it, that’s what 3D Printing Strategy delivers.

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